jeudi 1 septembre 2011

Just a quicky!

Tomorrow we will be taking the kids to Disneyland Paris! They have no idea that this is happening tomorrow! We have mentioned Disney a few times over the last month but they don't seem to bite.
Lets just hope the rain holds off another couple of days.

We got back from our holidays 4 days ago. It was a 7 hour drive from our home and it played havoc for Zoe! Sitting in one position for long periods is not a fantastic idea and I cringe to think what our flight home to Australia will be like next year.... 23 hours on a plane, air-conditioning etc...
I think she will be a mess for at least a week after our arrival :( on a positive note her spots have gone, so the anti-allergy meds they gave her before her last IV worked! Happy!

Mia has been sleep walking again and screaming in her sleep... Most kids will scream and stay in bed until someone comes!!! NOT Mia. She screams and then hides somewhere so you can't find the little so and so. Then when we are searching the house for her, she puts herself to bed and doesn't remember a damn thing.... Try getting back to sleep after that happens!

Zoe has been a right little turdle! She has become so moody since we left for our holiday (which is why I put it down to the travel to and from).
She had her first day back at Hydro yesterday and did quite well, considering.

The kids went shopping with Willy to get all their school stuff and today was the clothes shopping! I think I will stop feeding them because they grow too much and it is bloody expensive to cloth them in 4 seasons! Back home in Qld we only have 2 seasons, Summer and Spring! It is much cheaper like that and lets face it, Summer wear is Swimmers and thongs (for your feet) not much to it.

When I figure out how to add photo's to this blog I will add some. Stay tuned for a Disney update!

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